Killing Dust Mites

Dust mite feces and their remains are one of the leading causes of allergies in the home. You can't completely get rid of dust mites but you can significantly reduce the number of mites thus reducing the allergic effects. Here are some natural ways of dealing with these little microscopic creatures.

Step 1:
Dust mites feed off of your dead skin cells and carcasses of fleas, silverfish and other household insects. Eliminate the food source and you can help reduce the number of mites.

Step 2:
Because dust mites live in fabrics, carpets and upholstery you must learn to be fastidiously clean. Vacuum carpets and upholstery regularly. If possible rip up the carpet and install wooden floors. Dust regularly.

Step 3:
Dust mites do not like sunlight. On a nice day hang out comforters, blankets, etc. on the line to bask in the sun.

Step 4:
Hang pillows on the line with multiple clothespins and then beat with a broom handle to shake the debris from the mites and your skin loose.

Step 5:
Wash bedding often adding several drops of eucalyptus oil to the water.

Step 6:
Make a spray of 1 cup vodka and 20-30 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Spray your pillows and bedding a couple times per week. Use the spray on upholstery and carpets as well. If you have children spray stuffed animals and place them in a plastic bag for several hours before putting away.

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